For instance, you can use some special services, Telegram bots or apps. And IT companies have developed some working tools for that. Therefore, everyone wants to view any IG story anonymously. If you’ve collected such information, it is really possible to arrange a memorable date. Instagram allows you to learn about hobbies, tastes, a field of activity, and ways of spending free time.

In private cases, viewing accounts is most often of interest to people in love who want to observe a person first and only after taking effective steps. Advertisers can determine the activity of the profile and the feasibility of attracting it for the campaign. For those who conduct business through a social network, the function will help evaluate the activities of competitors. Why do you need to view Instagram stories anonymously?Īnonymous access to someone else's profile may be required in a variety of situations. However, in the statistics, you can see who watched a particular story.īut what to do if you want to view someone's stories and remain unnoticed? In this case, you should use special Insta stalker services and apps that help to hide your identity while viewing IG profiles anonymously. Unfortunately, Instagram does not officially allow you to watch stories anonymously.

After all, it is essential to always stay in touch with your audience and this way helps keep in touch with followers like nothing else. Instagram stories are helpful for both lifestyle bloggers and business accounts. The new feature, which was initially treated as something special, has won the worldwide love of social network users for years of its existence. The appearance of the IG stories has marked the beginning of a new era in the life of Insta bloggers.