The object of the game is to use Shovel to toss Mr. Then take a red plastic pail and yellow shovel and add details so that they look like Shovel and Pail. Do the same with black felt and put faces on them. Pepper bean bags take two pieces of white felt, hot glue two edges, fill with uncooked rice and hot glue the other two edges. Put Jell-O or any kind of drink in these doggy dishes and have the kids kneel beside the dishes with their hands behind their backs and see who finishes first the doggy drink. What you’ll need for this Blue Clues game are two or three doggy dishes. Simple, yet still a game of Blue’s Clues for the littler ones. Most of my little party attenders can’t read yet, so it was just a matter of having them find the 3 clues and then figure out what we were going to make. I stuck one on a basket of pine cones, one on a jar of peanut butter and one on a bucket of bird seed. I cut out 3 blues clues paws and laminated them (for larger than life effect, especially at this age).

Simple game of Blues Clues for a 4 yr old or younger. Hide about 40 cardboard bones at “dog height”, and have the kid puppies hunt on hands and knees for them. Here’s an awesome collection of Blue’s Clues child birthday games, perfect for throwing the coolest ever Blue’s Clues party.