If you install the toolset in a non-default location, the toolset may not be made aware of where the Resource Builder has been put. This can happen if you uninstall the toolset and then reinstall it again in a different location. If the toolset cannot find DLLs you may need to run the configuration tool after installation to tell the toolset where to find the Dragon Age build. After you have successfully configured and launched the game at least once, you should no longer get this error. This happens automatically the first time you attempt to run the game.

If you have installed the game, but not yet run the configure program, you will get this message: "Please launch the Dragon Age: Origins Configure Utility".You must have the game installed before you can install the toolset.If you get the "Dragon Age: Origins game install not found" error when you run the toolset installer: Then, once the IDM is installed and in control of your downloads, retry downloading the DA toolset through your default browser. One solution is to first download an internet download manager (IDM) freeware program (e.g. Connection with the server was reset", this may be due to a downloading management issue. If the Dragon Age toolset downloads to near-completion, but you then get the error " cannot download, etc. 6 Windows XP SP 2 and endless reboot cycles after install.4 Installer hangs at the stage of "Execute:regsvr32.exe /s "C:\Dragon Age\tools\Engine.dll".