Which brings me to around 10 hours playtime, might be more as the game doesn't record that stat. where he showed off how to first pick the patrolling enemies, sneaking in and then ambushing those basically killing them in one round and/or crowd control them so they have no chance in even getting one attack off. After watching someone on YouTube playing it. Medikits are VERY scarce in the beginning and with enemies easily bringing your characters to under 20% HP in one attack that doesn't work out. this is not the way you can beat the game. I originally started playing it on Very Hard (suggested experience) using the cover system, but I soon figured out. I originally started playing it on Very Hard (suggested experience) using the cover Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden started out interesting. Once you’ve isolated one or two foes, that’s when you rush to pick them off a few at a time.Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden started out interesting. Instead, you’ll want to split up your squad and have them all hide from the enemies with a clear line of sight. Running in guns blazing is a surefire way to get put down real quick.

The smaller squad size means that stealth and ambush tactics are your best friends. At this point, you transition into full-on turn-based combat. You explore The Zone, the stereotypical bombed-out post-apocalyptic setting of our game like you’re exploring a dungeon in Diablo up until you enter a conflict. The most significant difference you’ll notice once you’re set free in the world of Mutant Year Zero is that you’re exploring in entirely in real time with a squad of up to three characters. Even the unforgiving Ironman mode is present. The basics are the same: there’s turn-based combat, a tactical grid, a cover system, and characters that can bleed out.

While Mutant Year Zero shares a whole lot of DNA with XCOM, it’s something all its own.